about vosooghilaw

درباره دفتر وکالت دکتر وثوقی

ما در دفتر وکالت دکتر وثوقی تلاش می کنیم تا بالاترین سطح خدمات حقوقی حرفه ای را به شما ارائه دهیم. ارائه توجه فردی به پرونده هر شخص اولویت شماره یک ما است.

ما با افتخار در محیطی چندفرهنگی به مشتریان خود به دو زبان انگلیسی و فارسی خدمات ارائه می کنیم.

دکتر وثوقی وکالت بسیاری از موکلین خود را در دعاوی مختلف مدنی، تجاری و بانکی بر عهده داشته و دانش و تخصص خود را از سالها تجربه کسب کرده است. او همچنین دارای تجربه عملی در تجارت بین‌الملل و قانون تجارت است و وکالت موکلین خود را در پرونده‌های بین‌المللی مختلف داشته است.

دکتر وثوقی وکالت بسیاری از موکلین خود را در دعاوی مختلف مدنی، تجاری و بانکی بر عهده داشته و دانش و تخصص خود را از سالها تجربه کسب کرده اند. او همچنین دارای تجربه در تجارت بین‌الملل و قانون تجارت است و وکالت موکلین خود را در پرونده‌های بین‌المللی مختلف داشته است.

Dr. Vosooghi also prides himself for his passion to help those in desperate need of justice by taking pro bono cases and helping people for no fees.

Dr. Vosooghi’s legal career is not limited to litigation; his knowledge of international financial law as evidenced by his PhD degree from Shahid Beheshti University, invited new opportunities. He was appointed as legal advisor in Centre for International Legal Affairs (CILA) the legal arm of the Office of the President of Iran. He also served as “International Legal Advisor” to Bank Melli of Iran, the largest financial conglomerate in the Middle East.

Upon his arrival to Canada, Dr. Vosooghi was determined to continue his successful legal career. He obtained his GPLLM from University of Toronto, got called to the bar, and resumed his legal career.

Dr. Vosooghi is actively involved in civil litigation and immigration law. He has helped several immigrants with their files and prides himself of his comprehensive knowledge in different aspects of immigration law. He has also represented several client at the Federal Court of Canada in their immigration files.


–  Vosooghi Zadeh, Babak, “New International Financial Architecture”, 2015, Iranian Legal Research Review

–  Vosooghi Zadeh, Babak, “Rules Governing the International Banking”, June 2015, PhD Dissertation

–   Vosooghi Zadeh, Babak, “IMF Malfunctions and the Reforms Ahead”, Jan. 2014, Iranian Legal Research Review

–   Translation: “Kant’s Theory on Int’l Law”, Int’l Law and Legal Theory (Tehran: Mizan Publications, 2010)

–  Translation: “John Rawls’ Law of Nations”, Int’l Law and Legal Theory (Tehran: Mizan Publications, 2010)

Awards and Recognitions:
