Tort and Negligence Claims

Tort and Negligence Claims

We all have gone through the unwelcome situation of sustaining financial or bodily loss as a result of a wrongdoing by others. The law protects the person who has been the victim of such wrongdoings. The victim of a financial or bodily loss is entitled to sue the person who has caused the harm in tort.

In order for a tort claim to proceed, certain criteria have to be met. First and foremost, the existence of a duty of care must be proven. Then, breach of such duty must be substantiated. The last step is to prove the quantum of loss that the victim has sustained. In each step serious technical, factual, and legal challenges arise, which necessitates a qualified counsel to handle your case.

Through years of practice in both Iran and Canada, Dr. Vosooghi can skillfully handle your tort and/or negligence claims in all levels of courts, including professional negligence, personal injury, slip and fall, trespass, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, conversion, medical malpractice, and all other types of tort claims.
